Currently booking Spring & Summer of 2025 due dates!

Growing so fast… 1 year old now!

One of my favorite things to do when my newborns come back to me to be photographed at one year old, is to try and capture a “then & now” image… I love to re-create photo sets from their Newborn session that really show their incredible growth throughout their first year!
You can do this at home too! Nothing highlights their growth better than using the same object as you did when they were small… sitting them in the same chair, or next to the same stuffed animal, or in my case, using the same props! This flower wreath looked sooo big the first time we used it for her newborn photos, and now, haha, she barely fits in it, I love it! <3 professional baby photographer Indio, Melissa Landres photography

Melissa specializes in the art of photographing pregnancy, newborns, babies, and families. Are you expecting a new baby soon?
Contact us today to check for availability and more info on our in-home newborn photo sessions and {belly to baby} plans.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

All images & content © 2016 Melissa Landres Photography   //   www.melissalandres.com   //   760-774-7767


CONTACT Melissa for more info  ::  BABY PHOTOGRAPHER
Please feel free to “share” it, “like” it, or leave me a note below ♥ I love to hear from you!

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