Currently booking Spring & Summer of 2025 due dates!


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A Mothers Love is Forever

A Mothers Love is Forever

"A mother holds her children's hands for just a short time, but holds their hearts forever..."  Whether you’re a new mama, wishing to become one, missing your mom, expecting your own baby soon, or simply grateful for all of the wonderful women that have influenced...

Brand New : Melissa Landres photographer

Brand New : Melissa Landres photographer

Welcome to the world sweet baby... You may just have been the tiniest little guy I have ever photographed, but you were simply perfect. You surprised us all and arrived a little earlier than expected, but that's ok... you're strong & healthy, and we were so...

from { belly to baby } with Melissa Landres Photography

from { belly to baby } with Melissa Landres Photography

I had the opportunity of photographing this sweet family as they celebrated the arrival of their very first baby not too long ago... he was just perfect. I remember him being so tiny and cute, and was born with the coolest little hair-do. When mom called to tell me...

baby Emma { sneak peek }

Sweet little Emma was the perfect "little model"! She was sooo sleepy & content, just a dream to photograph... And just like her mommy & daddy, I just fell in love with that sweet little face <3 Melissa specializes in the art of photographing pregnancy,...

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baby Connor {sneak peek}

So tiny and so very handsome... sweet baby Connor, at just a few weeks old, he made my job so easy. He was just precious!We got so many adorable photos that day, just had to share a couple for now! Melissa specializes in the art of photographing pregnancy, newborns,...

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Let him sleep

Let him sleep

" Let him sleep, for when he wakes he will move mountains... "There's nothing more precious than a sleeping baby. I always wonder what they dream about? Especially when I see them smile in their sleep... I think to myself they must be dreaming about milk, because they...

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the cutest babies of 2016

the cutest babies of 2016

I love looking back on all of these adorable little faces from last year...I brag that I got to hold and snuggle each one of these special little people, it's one of the lucky "perks" of my job! ;) Each one of these families shared a little piece of their family's...

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You can find Melissa soothing and photographing tiny babies all over the Coachella Valley and surrounding southern California areas.


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